Thursday 14 May 2015

Background On Smart Cities

The expression "smart cities" has only been discovered in the past few years, yet citizens, and cities around the globe have become infatuated with the idea. After all, who wants to live in a dumb city? The term smart city has no absolute definition, it is a process that develops an urban area by using technologies that enhance the quality of life, creates sustainable economic development, and engages more effectively with its citizens. This is all achieved by developing these key areas: transport, environment, economy, energy, health care, government, water, waste and the citizens of the country. However the term smart city goes beyond the transactional relationships between the service provider and the citizen. It inspires the citizen to play a more active role in the community and the service provider to enhance the wellbeing of its citizens.

Before the development of a smart city there are key questions that are addressed such as; what are the key progression issues surrounding the smart city market? What key technological, environmental, transportation, political, and financial challenges need to be fixed for the smart city market to flourish? What smart city policies and developments are being encouraged by nations in the region? Who are the major international and regional smart city market participants? How will the regional distribution of the smart city market in transformation over the next decade? How is the structure of the smart city market evolving?

All smart cities are on the journey concerning being smarter. Each city faces its own unique challenges and opportunities in the smart cities arena, but it’s about trying to improve the city’s lifestyle by using human, collective and artificial intelligence.

Smart City Survey


The aim of the survey was to find out whether the youth of South Africa and people around us know about innovative cities, otherwise known as Smart cities. If people are aware of smart cities, we want to give them more information such as upcoming innovations which is covered in our blog. However, if people are unaware we want to know what is happening in the world of technology.

Target group

Our target group is mainly the youth (students and fellow friends). People in our group sent the link to their friends in different universities across the country. Some of us also sent the link to our parents, family members and their colleagues.

Method used

As a group, we came up with the questions and answers after having done a bit of research on smart cities. We used survey monkey to conduct our survey and sent the following link to our acquaintances- On average, it took them five minutes and seventeen seconds.

Survey Results

98 people answered ,2 people skipped ithe question . 3 of the people who answered selected a wrong option,however 95 people got the answer right . in this case a mijority of people knew what a smart city is and a minority of people knew what a smart city was. More people are familiar with the smart city concept and have a brief idea on what a smart city is.

In the above question 98 out of 100 people managed to answer the question and 2 people did not answer the question .out of the 98 people that answered 42 of the people chose a correct option which is option B. Roughly 50% people knew the appropriate set of smart cities, however most of the people who knew what a smart city was failed to choose an option of the correct set of cities. This goes to show that most people know what a smart is but do not know the actual smart cities that we have in the world.

99 of the people answered and one person skipped the answer. Only nine of the Ninety-nine that answered got the correct option which is option c and the rest of the people chose incorrect options which were option A and C. Most people assumed that (option B) was correct because it had the key word smart which is what the whole concept is about.

People are unaware that nairobi is the smartest city but they are not completely clueless as 41,41% answered the question correctly by saying nairobi is the smartest city yet 49,49% say that johannesburg is the smartest city. This would be because we live in south africa and the majority of the people who answered the survey are located in johannesburg and can see the developments and the qspects of joburg being a smart city everyday. Though 9,09% of the people thought lagos was the smartest city we can clearly see that in this case the minority was wrong. One person though did not even attempt to answer as they were probably clueless as to knowing which is the smartest city in africa.

98 people answered the question and 2 people did not answer the question. Of the 98 people that answered the question 74.49%, which is 73 people got the correct option. This shows that most people are aware that no one came with the smart city concept but it just evolved in parallel with upcoming innovations. The rest of the 25.51% thought that a smart city was innovated by a specific person.


Based on our survey it can be gathered that the youth have a general idea that smart cities exist but they lack knowledge and understanding of the concept. They do not know which cities are smart and on which continent they are located. They also have no idea what devices are used in smart cities. Judging by the minimum time (twenty-three seconds) the majority took to complete the survey we can conclude that some have guessed and with the maximum time being 10 minutes they may have researched the questions independently.


People should keep up with the times and know what is happening not just in their world but globally as it can be beneficial to them in both the short-run and the long run. May it be career wise, deciding which countries to visit for site seeing purposes or where they want to raise their family.

Ø They could find better employment in those cities with higher salaries.

Ø With the rise in rate of innovation, new job opportunities are created which will in turn improve the economy.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam is considered a smart city as it’s a developed area that creates sustainable economic developments by making use of extensive information and communication technology to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Amsterdam excels in 3 key areas that make up a smart city: transportation, environment and energy, economic stimulus and opendata. Hoewever it is highly recognised for its excellence in its quest to use energy more efficiently both to reduce costs and carbon dioxide emissions. The public and private sector of Amsterdam have joined forces in the progression of the city by using it as an urban laboratory for the use of open data, new mobility solutions,vehicle2grid pilot and the ultimate quality of life of its resident.

There’s one project in particular which really interested me,The vehicle2grid pilot, which allows residents to use the battery in their electric vehicle to store their locally produced energy. Energy that can be transferred to the energy grid,be used immediately or stored in the battery to be used at a later stage to drive the car or run household appliances. The other important part of the pilot is the development of an open online platform for data communication. The open data platform connects several entities that would not normally cooperate due to differences in protocols. Data from households can be connected to the data in the car battery or a charge station. The data obtained can be used to create a new product and services for the end user. 

The vehicle2grid pilot consists of 3 stages carried over 3 years. Stage 1: Vehicle2home 2014, a handful of households were selected to perform the 1st test, to optimise the system and the data platform. Stage 2: vehicle2building 2015, 2nd test solution in which (company) cars to a handful of electric cars are connected. Stage 3: Vehicle2grid 2016: final stage all garnered insights are collated leading to the whole neighbourhood and possibly the entire Amsterdam connected

Author: Mahlako Rabalao
Editor: Tshianzi Madzvhandi


Amsterdam Smart City,. 'Vehicle2grid'. N.p., 2014. Web. 13 May 2015.,. 'Amsterdam Vehicle2grid | Towards The Energy Transition, The Smart Electric Energy Boat Project'. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 May 2015.,. 'Vehicle2grid - Sustainableurbandelta.Com'. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 May 2015.

Barcelona, Spain

A smart city uses digital technologies to enhance performance and well being, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. Key 'smart' sectors include transport, energy, health care, water and waste. The focus of this article will be on one of the most globally recognized smart cities, Barcelona. Additionally on how Barcelona as a smart city is improving its environment and how it is efficiently using energy. Barcelona has electric vehicle charging stations and it also has sensors on trash and recycling bins to minimize costs and the environmental footprint for city waste and recycling collectors. Barcelona has water sensors in parks to ensure water is more intelligently used, it has sensors in parking areas to indicate empty spaces (minimizing driving time and thus less polluting gases are produced by vehicles). The new geothermal system, which takes advantage of stable underground temperatures, cools the bus stations in summer by sinking heat into the ground, which stores the energy. This accumulated energy can then be used for heating in winter. The new geothermal heating and cooling system uses a source of renewable energy, free of cost and freely available, reducing CO^2 emissions and improving the comfort of users at the bus station. Barcelona intends on building more solar panels. This will provide homes and businesses sustainable energy, reducing emissions equivalent to 440 tons of carbon dioxide.

Author: Madzivhandila Tshianzi

Editor: Carshiefa Sissing


Inc, 'Barcelona.Com : What To See And Do In Barcelona, Spain.'. N.p., 2015. Web. 9 May 2015.,. 'Smart City Expo World Congress - Home'. N.p., 2015. Web. 9 May 2015.,. 'Why Berlin Is THE City For Smart Transportation & Energy'. N.p., 2015. Web. 9 May 2015.

Technologie, Berlin. 'Berlin Partner Für Wirtschaft Und Technologie'. N.p., 2015. Web. 9 May 2015.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin is the perfect working progress for the urban life that we want or wish to live in the 21st century. With an efficient infrastructure with an information network, sustainable mobility, creativity and its combination of high productivity with high quality life.

Our world is changing at a fast rate and Berlin has established itself as a leader in its global innovation. According to the Sustainable Cities Index, Berlin is the 6th most sustainable city in the world not forgetting it is 1st in the buildings category and 3rd in the water management according to the European Green City Index.

Beyond the reports Berlin is known for smart energy technology. Nearly half of the city is green space. It is the leader in the field of energy technology. The city and its surroundings have the highest density of environmental technology companies, research institutions and clean technology workers.

Berlin’s energy technology industry includes the following:

Ø Energy grids and storage
Ø Turbomachinergy and power plant engineering
Ø Solar energy
Ø Bioenergy
Ø Wind energy

Berlin has the largest district heating grid in Western Europe, a more than 1,6km long pipe system delivers heat to the consumers that is generated in a resource saving way. 280 combined heat and power plants at numerous locations are reliable and eco-friendly generators of heat and power. Upcoming projects include two major power projects. The biggest solar energy project in the world and a politically challenging gas pipeline.

Author: Zinhle Tshabalala
Editor: Lamangwe Vezi


Karlgaard, R. (2015) Smart-City Champions [Online] Forbes. Available from: [Accessed 04th April 2015]

Hatch, D. (2013) Singapore Strives to Become 'The Smartest City' [Online] Governing. Available from: [Accessed 05th April 2015]

Sanserverino, ER., Sanserverino, RR., Vaccaro, V., Zizzo, G. (2014) Smart Rules For Smart Cities [Online] Springer International Publications. Available from:,+transport+singapore+article&hl=en&sa=X&ei=mfpSVZz-Jsvd7Qav7oMo&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=smart%20city%2C%20transport%20singapore%20article&f=false [Accessed 29th April 2015]

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai is recognised as one of the leading cities in the world. This city use technology to enhance performance and well-being, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. This smart city makes the most efficient use of physical infrastructure such as roads, built environment and other physical assets. Dubai evolves towards a strong integration of all dimensions of human, collective and artificial intelligence within the city. Dubai boasts an impressive number of the world’s leading tourist attractions, buildings as well as a variety of upcoming innovations/attractions.

This smart city was originally a simple trading settlement rising near its shallow creek. Dubai is actually a city-emirate in the Middle East, part of a larger federation of the UAE, which has blossomed into a city from dessert sand. To develop the Middle East’s first global city, Dubai deepened its creek and flourished on the backbone of free trade, entrepot functions and a bustling port. The fundamental ethos of “build it and they will come” and “what is good for business is good for Dubai” distinguished the emirate from its resource rich neighbours early on. Today this city is a thriving hub and havens of security, offering quality of life and lives of quality to many amidst regions of chronic instability. 

Dubai is one of the leading smart cities in the world with a very broad perspective when it comes to new innovations and ideas. Currently they are trying to put in place a plan to become the first city in the world to turn itself into a Wi-Fi connected smart city. Dubai is also said to be investing Dh 4.5 billion to make the emirate an innovation hub for global technology/business and entrepreneurs. This smart city is also set on spending Dh 6 billion on developing Bluewaters Island which is said to become one of the largest tourist hotspots in the world. This will host a demarcated retail, residential hospitality and environmental zones and will host the Dubai Eye, the world’s soon to be largest Ferris wheel. These are only a few upcoming innovations or rather the tip of the ice berg of this smart city.

Author: Ibraaheem Vahed
Editor: Neo Molope

References:, (2015). Dubai Smart City Project [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2015], (2015). Dubai Smart City Initiative [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May], (2015). Revealed: Dubai's top 7 smart city drivers [Online] Available at:

Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki is the capital city of Finland and it is a smart city.Helsinki became a smart city in 2013 when it was announced the 10th smartest city in Europe. How they did this was by having citizens participate in the development of the city by not only being consumers but by contributing information, ideas, solutions and innovation. The aim was for the city to be like a community.In particular, the city’s smart government makes it a smart city. The government came up with 1000 open datasets and they have promoted engagement with developers. The government of Helsinki had the Open Data movement of which the mission was to open up public data to everyone.

They have recently decided to enhance the Open Data movement and in addition make the city's decision making transparent to its citizens. This means citizens get to engage more with government and smart, effective changes can occur. Helsinki has a unit called Forum Virium Helsinki, which was set up by the government and is Helsinki's Smart City Innovation unit.

The Six City Strategy is the new upcoming innovation for Helsinki. They plan to come together with the six largest cities in Finland so that they can better services. This strategy is to be implemented between 2014 and 2020.

“For Helsinki, Smart City means more than advanced infrastructure and state-of-the art technological solutions. For Helsinki, Smart City signifies also advancing open engagement of the citizens and the rest of the city community, pioneering in open data and transparency of city governance, as well as promoting agile service development.” Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO of Forum Virium Helsinki.

Author: Nompumelelo Mokhabela
Editor: Joshua Ngulube


Anonymous. (2015, January 1). Smart Cities Innovation Unit. Retrieved April 15, 2015, from Forum Virium Helsinki:

Anonymous. (2015, January 1). Smart City. Retrieved March 25, 2015, from Forum Virium Helsinki: