Sunday 10 May 2015

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai is recognised as one of the leading cities in the world. This city use technology to enhance performance and well-being, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. This smart city makes the most efficient use of physical infrastructure such as roads, built environment and other physical assets. Dubai evolves towards a strong integration of all dimensions of human, collective and artificial intelligence within the city. Dubai boasts an impressive number of the world’s leading tourist attractions, buildings as well as a variety of upcoming innovations/attractions.

This smart city was originally a simple trading settlement rising near its shallow creek. Dubai is actually a city-emirate in the Middle East, part of a larger federation of the UAE, which has blossomed into a city from dessert sand. To develop the Middle East’s first global city, Dubai deepened its creek and flourished on the backbone of free trade, entrepot functions and a bustling port. The fundamental ethos of “build it and they will come” and “what is good for business is good for Dubai” distinguished the emirate from its resource rich neighbours early on. Today this city is a thriving hub and havens of security, offering quality of life and lives of quality to many amidst regions of chronic instability. 

Dubai is one of the leading smart cities in the world with a very broad perspective when it comes to new innovations and ideas. Currently they are trying to put in place a plan to become the first city in the world to turn itself into a Wi-Fi connected smart city. Dubai is also said to be investing Dh 4.5 billion to make the emirate an innovation hub for global technology/business and entrepreneurs. This smart city is also set on spending Dh 6 billion on developing Bluewaters Island which is said to become one of the largest tourist hotspots in the world. This will host a demarcated retail, residential hospitality and environmental zones and will host the Dubai Eye, the world’s soon to be largest Ferris wheel. These are only a few upcoming innovations or rather the tip of the ice berg of this smart city.

Author: Ibraaheem Vahed
Editor: Neo Molope

References:, (2015). Dubai Smart City Project [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2015], (2015). Dubai Smart City Initiative [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May], (2015). Revealed: Dubai's top 7 smart city drivers [Online] Available at:

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